Drink Menu

Beer Price
0,5/0,3 l  Pilsner Urquell 61 CZK / 39 CZK
0,5/0,3 l Princ MAX 10° light Lobkowicz 44 CZK / 29 CZK
0,5/0,3 l Lobkowicz Specials (occasionally) Premium IPA, ALE 50 CZK / 34 CZK
0,5/0,3 l Lobkowicz Premium Alkoholfree 49 CZK / 33 CZK
Red Wine Quality Wine (Znovín Znojmo cellars)
0,1 l Svatovavřinecké 30 CZK
White Wine Quality Wine (Znovín Znojmo cellars)
0,1 l Veltlínské zelené 30 CZK
0,04 l Jim Beam, Jameson 70 CZK
0,04 l Johnnie Walker Red Label, Ballantines 70 CZK
0,04 l Jack Daniel´s, Tullamore Dew 75 CZK
0,04 l Chivas Regal, 12Years 130 CZK
0,04 l GODET  Cognac 120 CZK
0,04 l Whisky Cream Stock 40 CZK
0,04 l Tequila Olmeca Silver, Gold 80 CZK
0,04 l Fernet Stock + Citrus 50 CZK
0,04 l Vodka Finlandia, Stoličnaja 65 CZK
0,04 l Amundsen + flavored - Energy, Cherry… 45 CZK
0,04 l Koskenkorva Peach 45 CZK
0,04 l Berentzen Exotic, Wild Kirsch, Sauer Apfel 45 CZK
0,04 l Berentzen Winter Apfel, Polar Limes 45 CZK
0,04 l Becherovka 50 CZK
0,04 l Gin Befeeter 70 CZK
0,04 l Jägermeister 70 CZK
0,04 l Rum tuzemský, Zelená 40 CZK
0,04 l Rum Havana Club,  Capitan Morgan 70 CZK
0,04 l Absinthe 100 CZK
0,04 l Metaxa ***** 70 CZK
0,04 l Plum Brandy 45-51% (depending on the current offer) 70 CZK
0,04 l Zacapa Rum 170 CZK
0,04 l Diplomático Rum 125 CZK
Sparkling Wine
0,75 l Bohemia Sekt - demi, brut 355 CZK
0,75 l Prosecco 375 CZK
0,1 l Cinzano Bianco 70 CZK
0,05 l Port Wine 70 CZK
Non-Alcoholic Beverages
0,1 l Homemade Lemonade – Lime, Forest Mix 15 CZK
0,25 l Vinea , Royal Crown Cola, Orangina 49 CZK
0,25 l Tonic Chito, Ginger, Bitter 49 CZK
0,33 l Coca – Cola, Coca – Cola Light 51 CZK
0,1 l Strnadovský Jug – Water with Citrus Fruits and Herbs 12 CZK
0,1 l Kofola, ZON Draft Lemonade 13 CZK
0,2 l Orange Juice, Apple Juice (served by the glass) 45 CZK
0,33 l Mattoni Glass, Sparkling, Lightly Sparkling, Still 43 CZK
0,33 l Rajec water Glass, Sparkling, Lightly Sparkling, Still 43 CZK
0,7 l Mattoni Sport, Rajec Oxygen Plastic 50 CZK
0,35 l Kamikaze – Stimulating Energy Drink 85 CZK
0,33 l ZON Lemonade Glass, Lime, Orange, Lagoon, etc. 37 CZK
Hot Beverages
Teekane Fruit Tea, Black Tea, Green Tea 45 CZK
0,5 l "From Our Herbs" Tea – Large Mug 59 CZK
Turkish Coffee 49 CZK
Espresso, Lungo 55 CZK
Vienna Coffee, Cappuccino    - 7 allergen 63 CZK
Algerian Coffee, Ice Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Latte - 7 allergen 65 CZK
0,2 l Mulled Wine, Punch, Grog 69 CZK
Extra Cream for Coffee, Portion of Honey, Lemon 7 CZK
Snacks – depending on the current offer at the bar
Freshly Roasted Almonds – still warm
Chips, Sticks, Nuts, Almonds...
Biscuits – Delisa, Miňonky, Tatranka, Fidorka...
And other Delicacies and Drinks upon Request – Ask Us! 
Wines from Znovín Znojmo Cellars – See Wine Menu
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